Monday, October 27, 2008


I am a believer in Acts of Kindness. It just may help change the world.


Agy said...

This is beautiful and has touched me deep down inside. This whole week-end has been cathartic beginning with telling my story. I have something else to tell you about how I found the garden through my angel and will write it here later. I just can't talk right now. Love and hugs to you.

Josie said...

Carol- You are awesome! I loved it! how do you put the video on the blog?????

Carol said...

I know this particular music may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I thought the story behind it was true.

Agy said...

Carol, I thought the whole thing was awesome and I loved the music and thought it fit the mood and was hauntingly beautiful. And, yeah, you are becoming just too too techie. I could not have done that in a million years. When McDowell gets home, putting a video up is the first thing I am going to get him to teach me. I'll do it in the garden one week-end when things are slow. But, no worries...he is away for at least three more weeks!!

And, yikes! Why do I have a handicap permit by the sign in stuff? Is there something I should know?